How come the French get all the attention in the fashion world? If you ask us, it's the Belgians that should be the trendsetters. Case in point: these 100% polyester crew socks. Featuring a mouth-watering Belgian waffles and syrup design in all-over sublimation print, if there were any justice in the world these socks would be on runways (and breakfast plates) from Paris to Peking. Best of all? No iron required! Our mission is to rid the world of boring white socks! Our socks feature an all over print that bring your feet to life. They’re also made from a breathable and comfortable polyester blend that will let keep your feet cool during all-day use. Each pair is printed with environmentally friendly inks that ensure a long lasting print that will never peel or crack.
Recommended for kids shoe sizes 11-4
Have more fun!
- ALL OVER PRINT -Plain white socks are boring! Our socks feature anall overprint to bring your feet to life!
- COMFORT AND BREATHABILITY-Our custom material formula features a 100% Polyester fabric that allows for all-day breathability and wearability. No more stinky feet!
- SIZE GUIDE-Our socks fit both men and women. For men we recommend sizes 6-12 and for women we recommend sizes 7-13.
- LONG LASTING PRINT-Our dye process allows for everlasting prints that will never fade or crack.